Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG
«El Servicio de Derechos Humanos de la Misión de Asistencia de las Naciones Unidas en Afganistán (UNAMA) publicó esta mañana un informe en el que detalla las denuncias de violaciones graves de derechos humanos cometidas por las autoridades talibanes de facto contra cientos de exfuncionarios del gobierno y exmiembros de las fuerzas armadas. Estas violaciones se cometieron a pesar de las garantías de los talibanes de conceder una amnistía general a las mismas personas», afirmó.
«Entre la toma del poder por los talibanes el 15 de agosto de 2021 y el 30 de junio de 2023, el Servicio de Derechos Humanos ha obtenido informes creíbles según los cuales miembros de las autoridades de facto fueron responsables de 218 ejecuciones extrajudiciales, 14 desapariciones forzadas, más de 144 casos de tortura y malos tratos y 424 detenciones y arrestos arbitrarios. La mayoría de estas violaciones se cometieron contra exmiembros del Ejército Nacional Afgano, policías y funcionarios de la Dirección Nacional de Seguridad»,
afirmó Laurence.
«La Alta Comisionada para los Derechos Humanos afirma que el informe presenta un panorama aleccionador del trato que reciben las personas afiliadas al antiguo gobierno y a las fuerzas de seguridad de Afganistán desde la toma del poder por los talibanes. Esto a pesar de las promesas hechas por las autoridades de facto de que no serían atacadas. Esto es una traición a la confianza de la gente», afirmó.
El informe detalla las violaciones que ocurrieron en las 34 provincias, junto con los testimonios de las víctimas y sus familias.
La Alta Comisionada insta a las autoridades de facto a que examinen detenidamente las conclusiones del informe y cumplan sus obligaciones en virtud del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos impidiendo nuevas violaciones y haciendo que los responsables rindan cuentas.
Para obtener más información y solicitar información a los medios de comunicación, póngase en contacto con:
En Ginebra
Liz Throssell + 41 22 917 9296/elizabeth.throssell@un.org o
Jeremy Laurence + +41 22 917 9383/jeremy.laurence@un.org o
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Edited News | WHO
No evacuation order given before Kamal Adwan Hospital strike, says WHO
One of the last partially functional health centres in northern Gaza was reportedly hit again overnight into Friday by several strikes, leaving four health workers among the casualties and the dead, according to the UN World Health Organization (WHO).
Edited News , Press Conferences | OCHA
More than 280,000 people have been uprooted in northwest Syria in a matter of days following the sudden and massive offensive into Government-controlled areas led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), which is sanctioned by the Security Council as a terrorist group.
Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG
UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk has called on the Georgian authorities to respect and protect the rights to freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly following several nights of protests that were marred by violence, and dispersed using disproportionate, and in some cases unnecessary, force by the police in the capital, Tbilisi.
Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk said today he was extremely concerned about the recent escalation in hostilities in northwest Syria, which further compounds the suffering endured by millions of civilians.
Edited News | OHCHR , WHO , OCHA
Syria escalation: Civilians face deadly attacks, health care in distress and aid access compromised
The ongoing escalation of violence in northwest Syria linked to the wider conflict in Gaza and Lebanon has left civilians dead and injured, hospitals “overwhelmed” and attacks on healthcare on the rise, the UN warned on Tuesday.
Press Conferences , Edited News | OCHA
Multiple unending conflicts, climate change and a glaring disregard for long-established international humanitarian law are set to leave a staggering 305 million people in need of lifesaving assistance next year, the UN’s top aid official warned on Wednesday.
Embargo Wednesday, 4 December 2024 at 0600 CET / 0000 ET
Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG
The UN Rights Office on Friday warned about the plight of civilians in Ukraine after further attacks on the country’s energy infrastructure.
Edited News | ITU
An international panel has been set up to protect undersea communications cables that are crucial for international trade and security, the UN International Telecommunication Union (ITU) said on Friday. The creation of the International Advisory Body for Submarine Cable Resilience comes amid an ongoing investigation into the severing of two fibre optic cables in the Baltic Sea, in less than 24 hours between 17 and 18 November.
Press Conferences , Edited News | ITU
An estimated 5.5 billion people have access to the internet in 2024, an increase of 227 million people based on revised estimates for 2023, the UN specialized agency for telecommunications, ITU, said on Wednesday.
Press Conferences , Edited News | UNAIDS
Launch of World AIDS Day Report 2024—Take The Rights Path
Edited News | OHCHR , UNOG
A joint report issued this morning by the UN Human Rights Office and the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) paints a disturbing picture of the media landscape in the country since the Taliban takeover. UN Human Rights Chief Volker Türk says.
Edited News | OHCHR
UN human rights chief Volker Türk lent his weight to growing ceasefire calls in Lebanon on Tuesday, amid reports that the senior Israeli cabinet members were due to meet on a deal to end more than a year of conflict with Hezbollah militants, sparked by the war in Gaza