TRT: 8:49”
SOURCE: UNTV CH and NGO dev.tv
1. SOUNDBITE (ENGLISH) Trisha Shetty (Moderator of the YAS event and Indian activist for gender equality and the founder of SheSays) “Welcome to the 5th edition of the Young activists summit.”
With that I am going to invit his sereine highness Albert II., prince of Monaco, no pressure you have to follow.
2. Cutaway: Various shots of the stage and his highness Albert II., prince of Monaco and wide shots of the room
3. SOUNDBITE Albert II., prince of Monaco: “Truth, solidarity, determination, these are the principles in the name of which I urge
you to take action in this great adventure you are embarking upon at this moment,
your commitment to change the world.”
4. Cutaway: Various shots: (from 1.16 to 03.12)
5. SOUNDBITE (HINDI) Roshni Perween Activist Child marriage prevention:“I tried to stop the marriage of children in my village, as I myself am a victim of child marriage, I have suffered and endured this pain, so I understand what this is all about. This pain made me a social activist, so in future the work I do should be to prevent
such suffering and pain on others, so no one else should suffer the same.”
6. Cutaway: Various shots of the speakers behind the scenes (make up Roshni and Francisco Vera )
7. SOUNDBITE (SPANISH) Francisco Vera - Activist Environmental protection :“Spanish):
“I created my own movement composed of children. Adults already occupy every space in society, at all levels, like here (United Nations hall), there are no children here. So I created a movement of children, for children, where we are protagonists and we can raise our voice.”
“Cree mi propio movimiento compuesto por niños. Los adultos ya ocupan todos los espacios
de la sociedad, en todos los niveles, como estos de aquí (sala de naciones unidas), aquí no
hay ningún niño. Así que cree un movimiento de niños, para niños, en donde seamos
protagonistas y podamos alzar su voz.”
8. Cutaway: Various shots of the speakers behind the scenes Francisco and Nisreen on stage,
nisreen backstage
9. SOUNDBITE NISREEN ELSAIM - Activist Climate action for peace “I come from Sudan and spent my lifetime demonstrating getting shot at with bullets. I survived the war that broke out on April 15. And still being here and able to continue my work with good mental health and with the same momentum and enthusiasm that I had is a great blessing.”
10. Cutaway: Trisha on stage
11. SOUNDBITE Trisha Shetty - Moderator of the YAS event and Indian activist for gender equality and the founder of SheSays: “Change is happening, change is happening on the ground, change is being led by the most incredible young people from the global South, from the global North. And if we need to look at how we can walk towards a better future, we need to follow the leadership of these young people and be as brave as they are.”
12. Cutaway: UN building and Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General United Nations Geneva in the press room
13. SOUNDBITE Tatiana Valovaya, Director-General United Nations Geneva: “We’re facing many challenges in the world. We’re facing lots of human tragedies, we’re facing lots of conflicts. And we need you, young people, to help us to find solutions.”
14. Cutaway Yas clip with Sawyedollah Maung - Activist for Rohingya people’s rights shown in Geneva
15. SOUNDBITE (ZOOM) Sawyedollah Maung - Activist for Rohingya people’s rights “It is a platform. Lots of my colleagues, my friends, especially Rohingya youth work together collectively on two main major issues. One is empowering our own community. Then the second major objective is doing advocacy for the life, liberty and security of Rohingya people.”
16. Cutaway pictures of Maimouna Ba - Activist Burkina Faso, Peacebuilding
17. SOUNDBITE (French) MAIMOUNA BA - Activist Burkina Faso, Peacebuilding:“When I see young people from all over the world who are like me, who are convinced that their struggle is making a difference, then I say to myself that yes, we have to keep carrying the message. You can't get discouraged, you have to keep pushing people, until you're a critical mass of people serving the community, and the change you want will come.”
“Quand je vois des jeunes originaires du monde entier qui sont comme moi, qui sont
convaincus que leur lutte porte, alors je me dis que oui, il faut continuer à porter le message.
Il ne faut pas décourager il faut continuer à pousser les gens, jusqu’à vous soyez une masse
critique de personnes qui servent la communauté et il y aura le changement que vous
18. SOUNDBITE Nisreen Elsaim - Activist Climate action for peace
“After the session one young person approached me and she said, ‘You give me enough energy for the next five years.’ She made my day, I almost cried. Imagine that if five other people in the room just felt the same, then what more do I want? I’ll have five more activists for another five years!”
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