OCHA Press Conference: Martin Griffiths on the crisis in OPT / Israel - 07 December 2023
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OCHA Press Conference: Martin Griffiths on the crisis in OPT / Israel - 07 December 2023

Good afternoon, everyone.
And good morning to those who are joining us from New York.
And also welcome to everybody
listening in and following on
Web TV where this is a live cast.
I'm very happy that we have with us today Mr Martin Griffiths,
the under Secretary General for humanitarian
affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator.
We will hear from him first. Now, in this live part of the briefing
on the situation in Israel and the occupied
Palestinian territory,
he will have some short opening remarks and then we will take a few of your questions.
It will not be that long,
but we of course prioritise to have your questions
So without further ado, Martin,
I will hand over to you.
Dude does that is a I now on.
Is that on?
Ok, good. Thank you very much.
Thank you very much indeed.
Yes, today
marks two months to the day
the start
of the Gazan
that day,
October the seventh,
with the terrible events
that happened
to the people of Israel living near Gaza
and that led
to the terrible events
that continue to this day
and the message that we have been giving we here being the humanitarian community
and I represent
the humanitarian community
writ large, not just the United Nations,
that we do not have a humanitarian operation
in southern Gaza
that can be called by that name
That the pace of the military
in southern Gaza
is a repeat of the assault in northern Gaza,
that it has made no place safe
for civilians in southern Gaza, which
had been a cornerstone
of the
humanitarian plan
to protect civilians
and thus to provide aid to them.
But without places of safety,
that plan is in tatters.
And so what we have at
the moment
in Gaza,
northern Gaza even more difficult.
But in Gaza, where we have trucks still crossing
daily through, the Rafah
is at best
humanitarian opportunism
to try to reach
through some roads which are still accessible,
which haven't been mined or destroyed
to some people who can be found
where some food
or some water
or some other supply can be given.
But it's a programme of opportunism,
it's erratic,
it's undependable
and frankly it's not sustainable
it as a result of this declaration
and judgement by the humanitarian community,
the global humanitarian community
that the secretary general of the United Nations, as you know,
yesterday to the president of the
Security Council,
invoking for the first time ever in his tenure as secretary general
Article 99 of the charter,
which speaks of the threat to international peace and security of a specific event
as raised by
and in the judgement of the secretary general.
I don't want to end these opening remarks without saying one more important thing.
And that is this.
That even while we have said enough done, finish, stop the fighting,
let's have that immediate ceasefire.
That doesn't mean to say that humanitarians are themselves
running for cover.
We are still negotiating
and with some promising signs at the moment,
access through
that other crossing, as you know,
to the west of Rafa
from Israel into Gaza,
which has been such a feature of discussion these many weeks.
And there are some promising signs now that that may be able to open soon
and we're still at it.
We are still in Gaza.
An R
is still in Gaza.
My office
is still there. We are still unloading trucks in the Rafa
Well, What we don't have
is any sense of clarity of planning.
Is there any sense of what's going to happen tomorrow? And
to be specific,
None of us
can see where this will end.
None of us can see
the people crammed
into that southern pocket of Gaza.
We'll go. Those 2 million people,
What do they think their future are? I have just come from
a meeting with my own staff
around the world,
buried in the tragedy of conflicts.
And they have spoken to me this morning.
two things.
One is that in Gaza
there is no exit
for the people of Gaza
and the other is
in Gaza.
As a result, hope
for the future
is at its best at a premium.
So our humanitarian programme is no longer a functioning one.
It is one of response to opportunity.
Yet we are still trying to build a new access point.
And the Secretary General
has clearly evidently and quickly
renewed his advocacy
for what must be the only serious policy response to this globally, which is
silence the guns.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Under Secretary General Griffiths, we will now take your questions
Reuters first, and then we go to long
Mr Griffiths, question regarding the promising signs. Um,
on the possible opening of the
kalam Uh, Kam
Shalom crossing. What are these? Uh, promising signs. Thank you.
Thank you very much indeed.
Thank you very much indeed. Very specific.
I mean, we we've been arguing in favour, obviously, for the opening of carry
on for months. I mean, not for months. For weeks,
these negotiations have been taking place
in a committee called the Cogat
Committee, which meets daily and nightly,
where the Israeli government is represented, as is the US, by the way,
as well as the Egyptians and the United Nations. My own office is present.
And in that
in that environment, we have been arguing for the opening of
not just as an opening to allow trucks to go through there to then go through
and then up into Gaza,
but to go straight through kares
up into the northern parts of Gaza or the need is greatest
now of late in these most recent days. In those discussions,
there have been some signs
the member states related to that Egypt and Israel obviously are related to that
have become much more open to the idea of opening kesal.
Probably not in one go, but certainly gradually.
I have a representative as we speak
in Jordan,
already lining up
the potential deliveries of aid
by land from Jordan,
which can come straight through from Jordan over the Allen Bry Bridge,
straight to Kares.
That's one
entry point to kares
if we get that,
well, it'll be the first miracle we've seen for some weeks.
But it will be a huge boost
to the logistical
process and logistical base
of a humanitarian operation. It doesn't mean to say
that it will solve
the security problems. That of course I've spoken about,
but it will change the nature
of humanitarian access.
Thank you very much. Uh, loon.
Thank you, Laurence,
Swiss News Agency.
If that doesn't happen, and if the situation goes on like it is today,
how long do you think there will be still a
possibility to go on with at least that humanitarian opportunism?
And how long will the Palestinian population bear it? Thank you.
Part of your cut.
I'm sorry.
Uh, I think the second part of your question is is the killer.
How long will the Palestinian people of Gaza bear this?
Because they're being pushed further and further south?
They tell everyone every day we tell everyone every day.
There's no place for safety.
There's no safe zones. People aren't even talking about safe zones anymore.
Um, so they're being pushed south.
We know Israel
has a very firm policy
of no entry for the people of Gaza into Israel for reasons
I think we can all understand.
But that pressure,
that pressure
will grow exponentially over these days.
The humanitarian
activities, as you say, humanitarian opportunism, it it
can't be a humanitarian programme. That would be too,
too ample a description of it
that will continue.
So long as there are people in Gaza there and trucks that can cross into
into Rafah, that will not stop.
Um, the people
of Gaza should know, do know
that the
aid agencies that they have relied on
God help us these many decades
will not desert them at this time.
But the
the prospects
for safety
for those million
or more people
forced into that southern pocket,
I your guess is surely as good as mine
that we ain't seeing the end of this movie.
We'll see more of that
and we will see more pressure.
we haven't even begun to talk about
the impact of the increase in violence in the West Bank.
The worry about violence in in in in Lebanon,
the anxieties in Jordan
of an outflow into Jordan. I was in Amman last week with their majesties
convening a very practical operational meeting about
what needs to be done to help the people of Gaza where they are.
What's happening in Gaza is forcing the people of Gaza to choose where to be
and to choose on the basis of violence
and pressure.
Thank you,
Martin. We will come to you, Kathrine.
But I just wanted to say I can see people are raising their hands.
I hope that we can take a couple of questions online on this as well.
Over to you.
Thank you,
Thank you for being with us. A question related to security.
We've seen recently that civilians
or humanitarians
journalists are openly targeted by Israeli forces.
How will you be sure that the convoys with humanitarian aid
will be
will not be targeted?
What will be
the evidence that will be given by the Israeli forces. Thank you.
I'm on now. Yeah,
well, first of all, it is a very good question because
plans for deliveries, convoys, whatever.
Although a convoy
sounds a bit surreal in the context of the current situation in southern Gaza,
um are discussed every day and every night in this
committee that I've spoken of the COT
But relying on the safety of those convoys is something
that is
also at a premium
in doubt
because there has been so much evidence
of attacks, for example, on people moving,
they thought safely from the north, remember, from hospitals in the north south
and yet been bombed on their way south.
Um, and that's why
this statement that there is no place of
safety in Gaza relates also to humanitarian operations,
which means that
if you're planning a humanitarian delivery
in Gaza today,
you can you must. You must plan
for the likelihood that it will be interrupted, that it may be attacked,
that it may be looted,
that it may be stopped. It may be diverted
that it may not succeed.
You cannot,
as we do in most other places around the world
assume that a plan that has been agreed between parties
is one that will go through without incident.
And I think that uncertainty
the likelihood of aid reaching people
in need
is yet another
of the
absence of hope
for the people of Gaza because they don't know
when they're next, a
will come from and where from.
What they do know is
the destruction of the health system. And I think Dr
Tedros today has made an announcement
of the demise of yet another hospital
of the few remaining hospitals that work,
that the
erosion, the elimination, the destruction of the health system has meant that
disease, hunger,
as a cause of
and wounding of the people of Gaza.
There are two horsemen
of the apocalypse
in Gaza today.
Conflict, of course,
but also disease.
And that
will only get worse
as we are unable to sustain any supplies to hospitals, any health,
any safe water
desalination and so on and so forth.
So the vectors, the signs, the
are going in the wrong direction. All of them,
thank you very much.
I think we will take a couple of questions online.
And then I'm afraid we have to wrap up this part of the briefing. First to Dina
And then after that, to Imogen. Folks from the BBC.
Dina, over to you.
Yes, Thank you. Can you hear me?
Hello? Can you hear me?
Please? Go ahead. Thank you.
today we saw photos and videos showing the
arrest of dozens of Palestinians in northern Gaza,
including a journalist called Dia Al
Khao. He's one of my friends.
I saw him in one of the videos among the detainees.
Do you have any ability to know the fate of those people or to
deliver aid or help to them?
And, uh uh,
does Israel cooperated with you
regarding providing information about the detainees
since the seventh of October?
And, um, we know the number of those detainees are more than 2700 people
at the same time.
We hear we hear the United Nations
repeatedly talking about Palestine about Israeli.
Uh uh, detainee detained in in
in Gaza.
How do you classify Palestinians detained by Israel since October? The seventh.
are they? Why don't you talk about them at the same level as the Israeli detainees.
Thank you.
I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not
somebody getting into
what's the name for one person
and the name for another. For a humanitarian.
People who are in need are all civilians
in need unless they're combatants,
whether they're detained or not.
The release
and also of Palestinian prisoners,
which happened in that seven day pause last week, showed us
very clearly in every single
of their re
reuniting with their family.
Reminded us what human,
what humanity is.
A seven day pause also allowed us to do some repair of systems, restocking of plants,
reparation and aid.
We do not distinguish
as humanitarian agencies
in terms of need
between those detained by either side.
We want hostages released. We have said it every time. We say
that publicly we decry.
That's a painfully weak word.
We deplore
the taking of those hostages
back on October the seventh,
we deplore
the detention of civilians.
We deplore
the killing of civilians
more than either,
and we deplore
the lack of our ability to function effectively for the benefit of those civilians.
But we do not discriminate,
according to nationality.
Thank you, Martin.
Imogen, uh, you will get the last question. I'm afraid over to you.
Thanks very much. Um, it's a couple. I hope you don't mind. I mean,
you were talking about the situation in Gaza,
and obviously your focus is on the short term.
But I'm just wondering whether you you look at what's happening if you you think Gaza
can ever be livable
in the foreseeable future given, given the disruption.
And my other question is really about
your your trust with
with, with Israel,
your relationship of trust because the UN resident coordinator, you know,
she's not had her her visa is not going to be renewed.
There's been quite a lot of
what here in Geneva, people would say, is misinformation,
even disinformation about the role of humanitarian agencies, including the UN.
I mean, what's what's your feeling? How do you approach that? Must be quite awkward.
It is occasionally awkward, but,
um, I visited Israel
now about 10 days ago, had meetings with Israeli officials,
and they were very constructive.
Um, they introduced me by the way, to
some of the families of the hostages,
which was very important for me to be able
to speak to them and hear their direct experience.
The Israeli contingent,
which is in that negotiating committee that I've mentioned
negotiates constructively every day,
is not absent. It is always present,
as is my office, of course,
as is the Egyptian
representatives as well as the US representatives.
So we continue to negotiate,
as we do everywhere in the world,
on the basis of humanitarian principles
and with humanitarian aspirations.
I have publicly said that
it is wrong to decry
the reputation
of my colleague,
the humanitarian coordinator Lynne Hastings, for whom I have a great respect
and who leads our team
in the occupied territories and who's done so for some time.
Not always. Easy job,
always, always demanding,
always requiring neutrality.
And Lynn is one of those
who has all those values
in very in a very good place. So
it is always distressing
for me
as it has been in a very different way for the secretary general
to be criticised
for what we believe is doing our job.
But we will continue to do so,
and although there may be awkward moments,
there are also moments
of achievement. And that's why I
was glad to say earlier on that there are those promising signs that I mentioned
which are promising signs in negotiations with
the Israeli authorities
over the opening of
Let us
let us not lose our faith
in the possibilities
of humanity. Thank you.
Thank you very much, Martin. I'm afraid that I will have to close this
live stream part of the briefing. So thank you very much, Mr Griffiths.
Thank you very much for your questions.
However, for those reporters who are joining us on the zoom link,
please stay on board
because we will go into another briefing now
about the global humanitarian overview and that part
of the briefing will be under embargo.
So we'll just take a very brief
moment for technical reasons.